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What is a Trademark?
A trademark is a symbol/ a mark which may be a word, name, device, label or numerals used by the person or the company to distinguish its goods or services from other similar goods or services of the same business.
It is also essential to obtain trademark registration for the business name/trade name under the trademarks act, 1999. Registration of a company or business name under the companies act, 2013 does not give protection against others who might commence using identical or similar marks.
Why do I need a Trademark ?
Intangible Asset
Trademark is a intangible asset that can be sold or franchised
Securing Exclusivity
Prevented from using your name or logo by others.
Protect Brand
Trademark protects investments in branding.
Branded Goods
Gives your products a status of ‘Branded Goods’.
Deterring and preventing others
Deters other traders from using trademarks that are similar.
Global Trademark Filing
A Registration in India can be used as the basis for trademark filing globally.